Promoting Student Inquiry: WebQuests to Web Inquiry Projects (WIPs)


Philip E. Molebash

San Diego State University

United States


Bernie Dodge

San Diego State University

United States


Randy L. Bell

University of Virginia

United States


Cheryl L. Mason

University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill

United States


Karen E. Irving

University of Virginia

United States


Abstract: By the earliest definition (Dodge, 1995) a WebQuest is “an inquiry-oriented activity in which most of the information learners work with comes from the web.” WebQuests are defined first as being “inquiry-oriented,” but are they truly an example of inquiry or are they something else? The majority of WebQuests fall under Herron’s (1971) category of structured inquiry, but there are higher levels of inquiry desired by educators that are difficult to promote using the WebQuests model. Based on a spiral path of inquiry, Web Inquiry Projects (WIPs) are designed to promote such higher levels of inquiry, specifically Herron’s levels of guided and open inquiry.



In early 1995 the WebQuest was developed by Bernie Dodge and Tom March as a way to help learners focus on using online information rather than looking for it. By the earliest definition (Dodge, 1995) a WebQuest is “an inquiry-oriented activity in which most of the information learners work with comes from the web.” WebQuests are defined first as being “inquiry-oriented,” but are they truly an example of inquiry or are they something else?

Defining Inquiry

The answer to this question might depend on how you define “inquiry.” It has been said that if you ask ten different educators to define “inquiry” you are likely to receive eleven different definitions. In an effort to produce a definition that represents the needs of every content area, the Exploratorium Institute for Inquiry (1996) developed the following definition: “Inquiry is an approach to learning that involves a process of exploring the natural or material world, that leads to asking questions and making discoveries in the search for new understandings.”

An inquiry approach to learning can look markedly different depending upon content area. In the social studies, inquiry might require learners to analyze primary source materials in developing an understanding of historical events and how they are relevant to today. Inquiry in science might involve learners in observing and describing some natural phenomenon that is new to them, or in testing scientific hypotheses through systematic laboratory investigations. No matter the content area, regardless of the role inquiry plays in any given learning situation, it should give learners an opportunity to solve real-world problems, overcoming authentic obstacles in solving these problems.

On one extreme, this process can be significantly scaffolded, requiring learners to follow a prescribed path toward a preset solution. On the other extreme, it can be open-ended to the point of being defined and solved completely within learners’ interests and efforts. Between these two extremes exists intermediate levels of inquiry. Accurately determining the level of inquiry reflected in a particular activity is, therefore, a critical first step to inquiry instruction. Although not currently in widespread use, Herron (1971) developed a simple and practical rubric for assessing the degree to which activities promote student inquiry. Based partly upon the writings of Schwab (1964), Herron’s Scale describes four levels of inquiry, each differentiated by the information and support given to students prior to or as they complete the activity.
Four Levels of Inquiry (Herron, 1971)

0.         Confirmation/Verification – students confirm a principle through a prescribed activity when the results are known in advance.

1.         Structured Inquiry – students investigate a teacher-presented question through a prescribed procedure.

2.         Guided Inquiry – students investigate a teacher-presented question using student designed/selected procedures.

3.         Open Inquiry – students investigate topic-related questions that are student formulated through student designed/selected procedures.


When an activity is evaluated for its level of inquiry, a simple table establishing what is given to the learner determines at which level of inquiry the given activity resides—the less given to the learner the higher the level of inquiry (see Table 1).























Table 1: What is given to the learner?

Early Internet Inquiry: The WebQuest

While WebQuests are touted as being “inquiry-oriented” activities, just where in Herron’s inquiry hierarchy do they fall? Originally WebQuests were intended to be structured inquiry (Level 1), as students are given a task (problem) and a process (procedure) to complete the task. Of the WebQuests produced to date, many do not qualify as “inquiry-oriented.” In fact, a portion of what creators are labeling as “WebQuests” can easily be confused with less sophisticated Internet Scavenger Hunts. In these activities no true problem is presented, and learners follow the familiar procedure of answering given questions by going to specific web sites.

The San Diego State University WebQuest Page includes a database of links to hundreds of created WebQuests. The WebQuests listed in this database were pre-screened for quality but were not investigated as to which level of inquiry each resides. Recently, 75 sampled WebQuests were investigated, 25 from each major schooling level. From this sample, zero WebQuests were Level 3, 12 were Level 2, 45 were Level 1, and 3 were Level 0. Additionally, 15 did not qualify as being inquiry-oriented, but instead resembled Internet Scavenger Hunts. Unfortunately the widespread acceptance of WebQuests as a valuable educational tool has, in some cases, compromised their original purpose.


Level of Inquiry

Elementary (K-5)


Middle (6-9)


Secondary (9-12)


Not Inquiry





















Table 2: WebQuest levels of inquiry


WebQuests were developed as an early step in answering the question, “How can Internet resources be effectively used in the classroom?” When the WebQuests concept was created over six years ago, there was no formal method of using the Internet to support “learners’ thinking levels of analysis, synthesis and evaluation”—important components of inquiry-based learning. WebQuests can, if created and used correctly, promote inquiry-oriented learning, particularly structured inquiry (Level 1). WebQuests will continue to serve as an important component of web learning, but it is now time to take the training wheels off and consider where the WebQuest concept can lead, especially with regard to promoting higher levels of inquiry-oriented learning.

Guided inquiry (Level 2) requires learners to design and select procedures, and open inquiry (Level 3) also requires that learners formulate their own topic-related inquiries. With no preset procedures and perhaps no teacher-defined questions to drive an activity, is it possible to develop a model similar to WebQuests that is more open-ended?

Some Early Thoughts on Web Inquiry Projects (WIPs)

Web Inquiry Projects (WIPs) are intended to meet this need. Promoting higher levels of inquiry in the classroom requires that less specific guidance be given to students. This fact alone makes it difficult to produce a model that is used by students in the way that WebQuests are used. Therefore, WIPs will likely be used primarily as a teacher resource, providing loose structure and guidance to teachers wishing to make good use of the wealth of available uninterpreted online data. Such data can be found at thousands of web sites, an excellent source being Digital Resource Centers (Center for Technology and Teacher Education, 2001). Digital Resource Centers “have the potential of transforming university teaching and learning” and “are relevant for K-12 education.” Such collections include the Library of Congress’ American Memories, the Virginia Center for Digital History’s Valley of the Shadow, the National Climatic Data Center, and the U.S. Census. Social studies teachers might use a WIP to help students use primary source materials to determine what life was like for a southern family during the Civil War (Mason & Carter, 1999). A science teacher might use a WIP to help students use historical rainfall data to determine whether or not El Niño had an affect on their local weather during the winter of 1997-98 (Bell, Niess, & Bell, 2001). WIPs created from these examples are available at

WIPs are intended to be used as inquiry roadmaps for teachers desiring to promote higher levels of student-centered inquiry, specifically by leveraging uninterpreted online data to answer inquiry-oriented questions. Unlike WebQuests, which provide students with a procedure and the online resources needed to complete a predefined task, WIPs will place more emphasis in having students determine their own task, define their own procedures, and play a role in finding the needed online resources. The WIP concept is based upon and designed to support a spiral path of inquiry (adapted from The Inquiry Page, 2001). WIPs will provide teachers with six stages of scaffolding as they lead students in a web-enhanced inquiry project. While an inquiry-oriented activity might start at any of these stages, WIPs will be designed to initiate student inquiry at the Reflect stage.

Figure 1: Teacher support of spiral path of inquiry

The six stages in this path, including the proposed role of WIPs in these stages, are as follows:

Stage 1

General description of stage: Teachers leverage previous activities or start anew by sparking students’ interest in a topical area. At this stage teachers are to provide a hook, causing students to reflect upon the topic.

Student Role: Reflect on previous or new material.

Teacher Role: Define and make interesting a learning topic by providing a learning hook.

WIP Role: Provide ideas and resources for topical hook.


Stage 2

General description of stage: Based in the students’ interests sparked by the hook, the teacher leads students to ask questions related to the topic.

Student Role: Ask questions related to topic.

Teacher Role: Provide focus by keeping questions on topic.

WIP Role: Provide potential topical inquiry-oriented questions.


Stage 3

General description of stage: After questions have been asked by the students, the teacher assists them in defining the procedures for investigation, including type(s) of data to be used.

Student Role: Define procedures.

Teacher Role: Ensure procedures are rigorous by ensuring that they are consistent with research methods pertinent to the respective content area.

WIP Role: Define potential procedures, including type(s) of data needed.


Stage 4

General description of stage: Students seek online data that will be used to answer their questions, while the teacher provides guidance on the relevancy and reliability of data.

Student Role: Gather and investigate data.

Teacher Role: Assist students in finding and assessing credibility of data. Here also, the teacher might participate with students in finding resources or have pre-selected resources in mind related to the topic introduced in Stage 1.

WIP Role: Provide list of potential resources of online data.


Stage 5

General description of stage: When data is found the teacher must ensure that students have facility with the tools needed to manipulate data to aid in analysis. If numerical data must be manipulated then students will likely need facility with a spreadsheet application. If data is non-numerical, then concept mapping or database software might be required.

Student Role: Analyze and manipulate data.

Teacher Role: Provide data manipulation tools and training using tools.

WIP Role: Provide an example of manipulated data.


Stage 6

General description of stage: No conclusion is meaningful unless communicated appropriately. After students have manipulated the data, they report their findings, draw conclusions, and support these conclusions with data. Here the teacher must support students’ efforts in presenting their results in writing, through graphical presentations, and through rhetoric. At this point, new inquiry-based questions might be asked as students reflect upon their results, restarting the process.

Student Role: Report findings, draw conclusions, support conclusions with data.

Teacher Role: Support students’ efforts in presenting and defending results.

WIP Role: Provide example of defended results. Provide example of new inquiry-oriented questions.


In the last five years WebQuests have proven to be useful in promoting Herron’s Level 1 of structured inquiry. At a time when educators struggled to provide an effective way to make good use of the Internet, the WebQuest model supplied the scaffolding needed by both students and teachers. WebQuests will continue to be an important component of inquiry-oriented learning.

Being heavily scaffolded, WebQuests prevent learners from participating in higher-level inquiry activities. Now that both teachers and students have more facility with the Internet, scaffolding from the WebQuest model can be removed, leading us to Web Inquiry Projects. If used appropriately, WIPs will help educators promote guided and open inquiry, Levels 2 and 3, respectively.


Bell, R. L., Niess, M. L., & Bell, L. L. (2001). El Niño did it: Using technology to assess and predict climate trends. Learning and Leading with Technology, 29(4). 18-23, 26.

Dodge, B. (1995.) Some thoughts about webquests [Online]. Available:

Herron, M.D. (1971). The nature of scientific enquiry. School Review, 79(2), 171- 212.

The Inquiry Page. (2001). Available:

Library of Congress: American memories [Online]. Available: (

Mason, C. L., & Carter, A. (1999, September/October). The Garbers: Using digital history to recreate a 19th-century family. Social Studies and the Young Learner, 11-14.

National Climatic Data Center [Online]. Available: (

Schwab, J. J. (1964). Structure of the disciplines: Meanings and significances. In G. W. Ford & L. Pugno (Eds.), The structure of knowledge and the curriculum (pp. 6-30). Chicago: Rand McNally.

U.S. Census. [Online]. Available: (

Virginia Center for Digital History: Valley of the shadow. (http://jefferson.

The WebQuest Page. Available