Fast Food Freeway
to Diabetes
diabetes roads

by Ms. Nicholas

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If you haven't been directly affected by diabetes mellitus, you probably know someone who is or has been affected by it. Furthermore, with the incidence of diabetes in the United States skyrocketing, your chances of getting the disease is higher than ever. Type 2 Diabetes, once referred to as "adult onset diabetes" because it usually afflicts adults, can no longer be called that because it is now being diagnosed in children as young as five years old. This is thought to be a result of increasing childhood obesity and sedentary lifestyle, both of which are associated with the convenience and the poor quality of fast food and its consumption.

Are YOU at risk?

Jokes about and symbols of our nation's obsession with fast food and sedentary lifestyle can be found in many places.

These clips may be funny, but the truth behind them is anything but funny. Diabetes mellitus Type 2, which is more often a result of a poor diet and exercise, is costing our nation billions of dollars in health care a year. If left untreated, diabetes can lead its victims into a coma that can result in death.

  • The Simpson's portrayal of the lazy, fat American worker--Homer Simpson

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How do analysts find relationships between lifestyle trends and diseases, and how are they sure of them? Today, you will imagine that you are such an analyst (perhaps in the role of the surgeon general, a diabetes researcher, etc.), and you will research the numbers behind the facts!

First, find out some background on Diabetes mellitus by clicking on the links to the web pages below:

Second, gather the most appropriate statistics you can find that represent diabetes, obesity, and McDonald's growth (number of stores) over past couple of decades. Use the links below to facilitate your search.

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Once you have gathered your data, use it to answer the following questions. Using Excel for graphical displays and analysis will be very helpful!

1. Is there a strong correlation (i.e., statistical relationship) between the percent of Americans that are obese and the number of Americans with diabetes? Given this relationship in addition to each variable's relationship with time, can you predict the number of Americans that will have diabetes in the year 2010, 2020, and 2030?

2. Is there a strong correlation between the prevalence of fast food outlets (i.e. the number of franchises) and diabetes prevalence in the United States? Given this relationship in addition to each variable's relationship with time, can you predict the number of Americans that will have diabetes in the year 2010, 2020, and 2030? You will consider the international food chain McDonald's as a representative symbol for the fast food industry.

3.  Describe your findings and any discrepancies that you've found trying to predict future diabetes prevalence. What can you do to lessen your chances of getting diabetes?

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