Stage 1 - Hook

General description of stage: Teachers spark students’ interest by providing a "hook," causing students to reflect upon the topic.

Student Role: Reflect on previous or new material.

Teacher Role: Provide a learning hook.

WIP Role: Provide ideas and resources for topical hook.

Stage 2 - Questions

General description of stage: Based in the students’ interests sparked by the hook, the teacher leads students to ask questions related to the topic.

Student Role: Ask questions related to topic.

Teacher Role: Keep questions on topic.

WIP Role: Provide potential topical inquiry-oriented questions.

Stage 3 - Procedures

General description of stage: After questions have been asked by the students, the teacher assists them in defining the procedures for investigation. Here the teacher’s role is to ensure that the procedures are rigorous enough, according to the rules defined by each content area, to provide adequate evidence to support potential answers.

Student Role: Define procedures.

Teacher Role: Ensure procedures are rigorous.

WIP Role: Define potential procedures, including type(s) of data needed.

Stage 4 - Data Investigation

General description of stage: Students seek online data that will be used to answer their questions. At this stage the teacher must provide guidance on the relevancy and reliability of data. Here also, the teacher might participate with students in finding resources or have pre-selected resources in mind in the event that resources are difficult to find.

Student Role: Search for and investigate data.

Teacher Role: Assist students in finding and assessing credibility of data.

WIP Role: Provide list of potential resources of online data.

Stage 5 - Analysis

General description of stage: When data is found the teacher must ensure that students have facility with the tools needed to manipulate data. If numerical data must be manipulated then students might need facility with a spreadsheet application. If data is non-numerical, then concept mapping or database software might be required.

Student Role: Manipulate data.

Teacher Role: Teacher provides data manipulation tools and training using tools.

WIP Role: Provide an example of manipulated data.

Stage 6 - Findings

General description of stage: No conclusion is meaningful unless communicated appropriately. After students have manipulated the data, they discuss and defend their results with each other and the teacher. Here the teacher must support students’ efforts in presenting their results in writing, through graphical presentations, and through rhetoric. At this point, new inquiry-based questions might be asked as students reflect upon their results, restarting the process.

Student Role: Discuss and defend results.

Teacher Role: Teacher supports students’ efforts in presenting and defending results.

WIP Role: Provide example of defended results. Provide example of new inquiry-oriented questions.